Tuesday, December 7, 2010

500 Words About India

The population of India is the second largest in the world next to China. India's population is 1,173,108,018 while China’s population is 1,330,141,295.  Because of India’s huge population HIV/AIDS is a huge problem. 310,000 people die of it each year! That is the second highest number of deaths from HIV in the world. 2.4 million People have HIV in India. Life there is much different than it is here, the huge population also causes problems in the environment. India has a big problem with deforestation, soil erosion, overgrazing, desertification, air pollution from industrial effluents and vehicle emissions, water pollution from raw sewage and runoff of agricultural pesticides, etc. 55 percent of the population lives in slums and 25 percent of the country is under the poverty line .
It is an everyday battle to survive for the 7 million people who live in the slums of  India and especially Mumbai. They go out on the streets searching for big metal pieces for a roof to their handmade houses. If you think that is harsh kids as young as new born witness their parents and friends get killed in the riots and they have to find a way to take care of them selves at a very young age. The riots of Mumbai started because the Hindu thought Muslims kidnapped some of the Hindu children. All together there was a total of six riots and the Hindu’s also destroyed the secrete Muslim Masque. The damage of these riots was so great it cost 3.6 million dollars to fix Mumbai. Kids turn into beggars, trying to get the littlest amount of money to eat.  Some kids work for people that make them go out on the streets and sing for money. In the movie “Slumdog Millionaire” kids are tricked in to working for these people that make them sing for money and the bosses hurt them to make the people feel sorry for the kids by pouring hot oil into their eye and making them blind.
Sexual trafficking is when people get tricked into having a better job some were else but actually they are being moved to be rapped and made into prostitutes. For women in India annually 3 million are tricked into trafficking each year and the saddest part is 40 % of these girls are minors. India is the second most watched country for trafficking.  There are more than 250,000 Nepalese girls and women in Indian brothels (A brothel is a house of prostitution.) Some other ways girls get into the Indian brothels are their parent’s sell them to make money or they are tricked into fake marriages. Children are also trafficked and sold to circus’s to make labor. Sex trafficking is not the only kind of trafficking. There are many other types as well like: forced labor, commercial gay and lesbian relationships, to hire wombs, domestic slavery, organ transplantation and begging also.
Learning about life in India makes me feel very greatful that I live where i do



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